On March 28, 2011 I got my prescription for Domperidone-
Domperidone in relation to Lactation according to Wikipedia-
The hormone prolactin stimulates lactation in humans, and its release is inhibited by the dopamine secreted by the hypothalamus. Domperidone, by acting as an anti-dopaminergic, results in increased prolactin secretion, and thus promotes lactation.
Since, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), domperidone is not approved for enhanced lactation in any country,[6] it is sometimes self-prescribed from original research or prescribed "off-label" for this use in countries around the world.
To induce milk production I started taking domperidone, prenatal vitamins, and an herbal supplement called fenugreek. In addition to taking these, I started pumping. The protocols for inducing milk production indicate that it takes up to 30 days to see any results and it is best to give your body 3 to 6 months.
On April 3, 2011 I started producing milk! 6 days after starting the process. I was so excited I cried. I could not believe how amazing the human body is!
Our freezer has been jam packed full of breast milk ever since. My sister-in-law, who is a post-partum nurse, told me that I produce cream. It doesn’t really separate and is creamy. At least I know my babies will plenty of nutrition
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